Saturday, 3 January 1976

The Brain of Morbius

Premise: The TARDIS lands on the storm-lashed planet of Karn where Dr Solon gives the Doctor and Sarah shelter, welcoming them into his home. But Solon has an ulterior motive.

Notes: Terrance Dicks originally scripted Solon as a robot but this was then changed for budgetary reasons with him knowing about it. When he found out he demanded that his name be removed from the story and replaced with a bland pseudonym. This may have been taken a bit to seriously as they ended up crediting it to Robin Bland. The faces appearing on the mind test machine are various members of the production team as they could not afford to hire actors.

Verdict: A gripping spoof of Frankenstein which is undeniably the highlight of Doctor Who's Gothic era. It's just a shame that Morbius hardly does anything and the mind bending contest makes for a rather boring climax 7/10

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